“We need to come together”
How a deprived Bristol suburb came to own the biggest onshore wind turbine in England (Sept 2023).
How a deprived Bristol suburb came to own the biggest onshore wind turbine in England (Sept 2023).
A free guide for local initiatives seeking to support people in fuel povertyBy CSE for communities June 2023 A fuel poverty project is a local initiat ...
Local energy advice services are a valuable lifeline for many communities. Before you set one up, take a look at our handy guide.
A slow cooker workshop is an opportunity to get the community together to have a chat, share some food and talk about energy saving tips. As you use t ...
Tackling fuel poverty, reducing carbon emissions and keeping household bills down: tensions and synergies.By Dr Toby Bridgeman, Joshua Thumim and Simo ...
February 2023 WHAM (Warmer Homes, Advice, Money) provides a comprehensive service to people living in fuel poverty and financial hardship. The project ...
Download copies of Energise, our biannual publication showcasing the latest developments of CSE's work.
This guide is for organisations who wish to set up a project to assess the effects of cold homes on health.
Research by CSE into the Manchester and Stockton pilots of Citizens Advice's Winter Resilience Pilot.
This report describes the findings of a study of the coping strategies of low-income households in Great Britain, funded by eaga Charitable Trust.
A high quality synthesis of evidence on issues associated with fuel costs and poverty.
A toolkit to make evaluation of the health and wellbeing impacts of affordable warmth schemes easier and more effective.