Launch of Smart & Fair report
Today (7 March 2023) an event in London sees the publication of Smart & Fair: Working with the smart energy capabilities lens.
This marks the culmination of phase 2 of Smart & Fair, CSE’s programme of work that looks at the societal inequalities arising from the transition to a smarter more flexible energy system.
CSE’s Charlotte Johnson was lead author on the report. “Back in 2019, in the Smart & Fair phase 1 report, CSE warned about the emergence of a two-tiered energy system that works well for some but leaves other behind. Last winter the inequality was starkly demonstrated; while some comfortably off households were being paid to reduce their electricity consumption during peak hours, others were visiting warm spaces, unable to keep their homes habitably warm.
“In this report we summarise the work we’ve been doing to improve market monitoring, develop smart energy advice, and present evidence of how different consumers are able to participate in and benefit from the transition to a smarter, greener energy system.”
The launch event has attracted upwards of 50 people from the energy sector.
Smart & Fair is sponsored by nationalgrid and Scottish and South Electricity Networks, with the support and collaboration of Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme, Electricity System Operator and Northern Powergrid.