SSEN Enabling Works Fund
The Enabling Works Fund supports more installations of grant funded energy efficiency measures. Here at the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), we administer this fund on behalf of Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN).
The fund removes barriers to installations, supporting households that cannot afford “essential work” not covered by grant funding.
You can apply easily by filling out a straightfoward online form.
We encourage applications from both installers and from organisations assisting clients in improving home energy efficiency or accessing funding for energy efficiency measures.
Why the Enabling Works Fund exists
Some affordable warmth schemes or help to heat schemes do not cover the cost of enabling works.
This could include schemes like ECO (Energy Company Obligation scheme), LADS (Local Authority Delivery Scheme), HUGS and HUGS2 (Home Upgrade Grant Scheme) or others.
Enabling works supported through the fund include:
- Clearing a loft space or removing loft boarding.
- Loft-hatch expansion.
- Removing rubble to enable cavity wall insulation.
- Lance installation or scaffolding for necessary access for cavity wall insulation access or boiler installs.
- Necessary structural improvements such as repairs to brickwork or floor joists.
- Lifting flooring or moving furniture.
- Low-cost work to enable the installation of heating measures or solid wall insulation.
- Other low cost enabling works will also be considered if they meet eligibility criteria.
How does the fund work?
Your client must live in SSEN’s central southern area (see map). This can be verified using the client’s postcode and SSEN’s look up tool.
- Your client must be eligible for ECO, LADs, HUGS or another affordable warmth scheme.
- If an installer is not yet in place, please check there is an appropriate scheme the client is eligible for once the enabling works are completed. We can assist if required.
- The enabling works you are applying for must be necessary for the installation of energy efficiency measures and not funded by another scheme. This fund is intended to fund work where no other funding is available.
- You cannot apply for works that have already been completed.
- The application will be run through a funding return test, to ensure the fund provides value for money. In general, we do not approve applications above £1,500.
- There is a maximum of five applications per month per organisation. If you submit over five applications these will be held against the following month’s allocation.

How do I apply for the scheme?
Use the form below. Someone from the Centre for Sustainable Energy will be in touch in due course.
Enabling works fund in action
Discover how Astill Gas used the fund to support the instalment of a new low carbon heating system for its client, Graham.