“We need to come together”
How a deprived Bristol suburb came to own the biggest onshore wind turbine in England (Sept 2023).
How a deprived Bristol suburb came to own the biggest onshore wind turbine in England (Sept 2023).
Research providing case studies and best practice to inform guidance for community engagement and benefit packages for onshore wind.
A guide to policy writing and community engagement for low-carbon neighbourhood plans (3rd edition, Feb 2020).
By Iain Cox, CSEJune 2017 Our in-depth look at wind power provides a comprehensive grounding in the facts for local authorities and communities as the ...
Ask installers the right questions, understand the answers, and ensure you get the best system
These are our downloadable fact sheets that you can print out and distribute. They are all PDFs and are around 1 MB. Some of our fact sheets are avail ...
Download copies of Energise, our biannual publication showcasing the latest developments of CSE's work.
This publication aimed at people writing a neighbourhood plan and looking for appropriate areas to site wind turbines.
If you’re working on a Neighbourhood Plan, this useful self assessment will help you work out where it could be improved.
If you’re working on a Neighbourhood Plan, this useful self assessment will help you work out where it could be improved.
This report from CSE and Land Use Consultants sets out the results of a renewable energy resource assessment for Stroud District Council.
An overview of best practice in short-rotation plantation biomass from Germany, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Sweden & UK.