Affordable Warmth and Safety scheme
CSE is working with Northern Gas Networks (NGN) to offer funding to grassroots organisations in their area to provide energy saving advice to vulnerable households.
CSE administered the Affordable Warmth and Safety scheme, and distributed grants of up to £21,000.
Applications for funding were recieved during September 2024 and the fund is now closed.
We will notify applicants of the outcome of the application on or shortly after 14 October.
Applicants were asked to show how they would improve health and wellbeing and reduce stress for vulnerable households, for example through:
- Personalised energy advice.
- Support to access debt and benefits advice.
- Support to access the Priorities Services Register.
- Carbon monoxide safety awareness.
- Support to access grants and fuel vouchers.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants were typically organsations such as warm spaces, foodbanks, youth clubs, charities supporting refugees, charities supporting families, digital inclusion charities.
They needed to be legally incorporated organisations, operating within the NGN license area, and have experience of providing support to vulnerable households.
Support for successful organisations
Training and resources will be provided to successful applicants. Therefore previous experience of the energy advice sector is not required. This fund is aimed at supporting grassroots organisations who have experience supporting vulnerable households in their community.
If you have any questions about the scheme, please email or call 0117 363 4248.