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Advice projects pages tagged with "Fuel Poverty"

  • Advice Projects

    An energy advisor on a home visit listening to a client explaining her difficulties

    Home Visit Advanced

    Home Visit Advanced aims to transform lives one home at a time. We provide an enhanced level of energy advice and support for the most vulnerable hous ...

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    A hospital ward. A patient sits on their bed looking away from the camera.

    Combating the health impacts of cold homes

    Living in a cold home has a significant impact on physical and mental health. It makes existing health problems worse and causes a substantial burden ...

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    Someone topping up their prepayment meter

    Affordable Energy Access

    This project supports people in Bristol, Weston-Super-Mare and Bath to keep their home warm and pay their energy bills.

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    An event stand with a model of a wooden house on top. An energy advisor and community members stand around it talking about energy.

    Bristol Energy Champions

    Energy Champions was a network to help drive sustainable energy initiatives in Bristol in 2015 and beyond.

    Fuel Poverty Community energy Education Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    Bristol flats in Redcliff

    Bristol Tenants Energy Advice

    Support for Bristol tenants who are struggling to keep their home warm and afford their energy bills.

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    Two gloved hands holding a hot mug of tea

    Coping with cold video series

    A series of short films to raise awareness of fuel poverty so that professionals can identify how to tackle fuel poverty.

    Fuel Poverty
  • Advice Projects

    a close up of the controls on a storage heater

    Data-based advice on night storage heaters

    Using sensors to collect data on night storage heaters, our energy advisors were able to give personalised support to householders.

    Fuel Poverty Behaviour change Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    Close up of hands on a walking stick

    Energy Accessibility Service

    By working with existing organisations, this project helps disabled and elderly people to keep warm at home.

    Fuel Poverty Community energy Education Energy Advice
  • Advice Projects

    CSE staff Paola and Karen at an outreach event at a local school.

    Families in Fuel Crisis

    Families in Fuel Crisis supported families in areas with high levels of deprivation and at risk of fuel poverty.

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice Education
  • Advice Projects

    Warm and Safe Wiltshire logo

    Warm and Safe Wiltshire

    Warm and Safe Wiltshire helps people in fuel poverty to live in warmer, healthier and safer homes.

    Fuel Poverty Energy Advice Insulation & Heating