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Bristol Green Capital Energy Action Group

A suspension bridge over a river

CSE and Bristol Energy Network head up Bristol Green Capital subgroup.

Project duration: 2014 – 2015

In 2015, Bristol, CSE’s home city, became the first UK city to be crowned European Green Capital, following a process in which the European Commission recognised Bristol’s success in creating a green city with a high quality of life. The award gave Bristol a unique opportunity to further enhance the city’s reputation for creativity, culture and innovation. CSE played a fundamental role in shaping Bristol Green Capital activities, co-chairing the Green Capital Energy Action Group, a thematic subgroup of the Bristol Green Capital partnership.

We’re proud that CSE’s work across the city, particularly our catalysis of community energy and domestic retrofit schemes, played a role in winning the bid.

Here’s a short video that explains what the award meant at the time and the impact we hoped it would have.

Bristol Green Capital Partnership was founded in 2007 to prepare the city’s bid and is still thriving today as a unique partnership of over 1,000 member organisations who have committed to working towards a zero carbon, socially just Bristol.

The Energy Action group’s aim was to accelerate progress to Bristol becoming a truly energy sustainable city, through:

CSE continues to sit on the Board of Bristol Green Capital Partnership and plays a leading role in the city delivering multiple projects and programmes supporting decarbonisation.

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