Climate Action Planning events for town and parish councils
Specially designed training packages for parish and town councils
Hundreds of councils have passed declarations of a Climate Emergency, signalling their determination to help the UK achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Town and parish councils are in a unique position to stimulate grassroots action, set a leadership example and provide a local, accountable focal point for practical action on the climate emergency.
Tackling the climate crisis can be a daunting task, especially for councils that may not have access to large budgets, resources or staff. Knowing where to start can also be tricky because there’s a lot of information out there that’s hard to digest if you don’t have specialist knowledge on things like renewable energy, carbon footprinting or climate action.
The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has a dedicated community team that helps local councils navigate these issues. We’ve designed a unique package of events providing councillors and clerks with the tools they need to help tackle climate change.
The information was outstanding, and definitely a must to learn about climate change.
We’ve supported around 500 councillors and clerks so far. Find out more about the impact of our Climate Action Planning events here.
CSE’s Climate Action Planning events cover:
- Understanding the context of climate change from global to local levels.
- The role local councils can play in tackling climate change.
- Creating a practical action plan for communities in your area.
- Explore how to overcome barriers to taking action on climate.
There are also opportunities for councils to connect with others in their area and develop key networks for sharing best practice and driving climate action locally.
Informative, helpful and interactive overview of the climate emergency and what role local councils can take in communications, organising and actions.

The Climate Action Planning events package:
1) Climate Action Planning events package
An initial Climate Action Planning event (full day):
- Overview of climate change and its local impacts.
- Inspiring actions from other local councils.
- ‘Action planning’ workshop.
- How to effectively communicate and engage communities on climate change.
- Practical ‘easy-win’ first steps for taking action.
Follow-up event (2 hours):
- Session reflecting on experiences since climate action planning event.
- Session to reflect on challenges and explore solutions.
- Session to support councils working together and working with higher tier authorities.
The events are followed up with written reports and further resources to support council on their onward journey.
CSE will also support host organisations as they work with the councils who attended these events in their efforts to take continuing and effective climate action.
Informative and inspiring. Thank you for a great day.
These events are usually hosted and paid for by higher tier authorities or county associations of local councils looking to support the parish and town councils in their area on this topic.
The cost of the full Climate Action Planning package is usually £6,000-10,000; the price of an action day depends on whether the events are hosted online or in person, where the events are and the size of the events.
Climate Action Planning
Please get in touch with if you would like to discuss getting a quote.
How do you feel?
Participants at one of our days went from feeling this …

To this!

Working in partnership
We know we’re stronger when we partner with others working across community climate action. Our communities team regularly work with a range of partners to support more people to take local action on climate change including:
- SLCC which we work with to deliver training webinars for council clerks.
- NALC (the National Association for Local Councils) has a Climate Emergency Network that local councils can join, and also have a useful resource page for councils on the topic of climate change. We also occasionally work with NALC supporting their events.
- The Community Works has more resources and case studies
- Parish Online has some good mapping software for councils which can be used to support climate action plans and delivery